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Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan is a member of the European Business Council in Japan, The European (EU) Chamber of Commerce in Japan

European Business Council in Japan
Information Board
On April 16, 2012 an official opening ceremony of the Dr. Janusz Korczak Hall at the Ashinome Kindergarten in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Pref. The reconstruction was supported with the money collected by PAH with the support of PCCIJ.
 Commemorative Plate Ashinome Kindergarten
A total of 1,200,000 PLN and 1,200,000 JPY have been donated to Ashinome Kindergarten.
The First Lady of Poland, Ms. Anna Komorowska paid a visit to the Ashinome Kindergarten in Kesennuma City on April 16, 2012. This movement was under the honorary patronage of Ms Anna Komorowska.
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As of Dec 1, 2012, PCCIJ moved to a new location in Nihombashi, Chuo Ward, Tokyo. New address
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Chopin Year 2010 www.chopin2010.pl
*** EVENTS ***
- 21-23 Sep, 2012 - Polish Festival at Roppongi Hills, Tokyo Hours: Friday 11:00-19:00, Saturday 11:00-20:00, Sunday 11:00-19:00 Admission: Free
- 26 Sep, 2012 - Opening of “Dom Polski” (Polish House) in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture
- 「Polish Day in Tokyo 2015」 PCCIJ SPECIAL Christmas Event 2015
Dec 1, 2015, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM A special Christmas event will be held by our chamber in Shibuya, Tokyo. There will be two special stages at our Christmas Event this year:
- 1st stage: live piano performance of F.Chopin’s music.
- 2nd stage: a kyogen performance of “Sanbanso” By Taichiro Nomura, the grandson of the living national treasure, Man Nomura, and son of a director, Mannojo Nomura. More information coming soon.
- Spreading the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Spirit - a joint chamber networking event
Oct 23, 2015 (Wed) - In continuing our efforts to build positive momentum for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, the Olympics and Sports Business Committee and the Membership Relations Committee will join hands with representatives from Romania and Poland in a special Olympic promotion. In a spirit of cooperation and goodwill with our Japanese hosts, we hope to spread the positive Olympic spirt to all foreign nationals living and working in Japan. The event will take place at the Embassy of Romania located in Nishi-Azabu―a 5-minute walk from the Grand Hyatt Tokyo in Roppongi. There will be live Romanian music and door prizes.
Hosting Committee(s): ACCJ Olympics and Sports Business Committee, Membership Relations Committee
Co-hosting Organizations: The Embassy of Romania to Japan, The Japanese Romanian Business Association, The Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
Venue: Embassy of Romania in Japan, 3-16-19 Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku More info...
- Business Seminar in Warsaw 2015: “Innovative Technologies from Japan”
Sep 12, 2015 - On September 12-14 the 18th Annual World Polish Economic Community Conference was held in Warsaw and one of the regions in Poland. It was organised by the Fundacja Polonia (World Polish Community Foundation). The event is officially supported by the Polish government. The main subject of this year's conference was the extensive European funds allocated for structural modernisation of Polish economy through innovative solutions. Several Japanese companies participated in the workshop organised by PCCIJ.
- PCCIJ Business Mixer Party / Polish Beer Night Networking Event
June 4th, 2015 (Thursday) A networking event was held in Shinjuku. The participants had a chance to meet new potential business partners, new friends and also taste the great Polish beer. More info...
- The 9th Annual General Meeting
March 19, 2015 - the 9th Annual General Meeting of PCCIJ was held on March 19, 2015 at the Embassy of Poland in Tokyo.
- PCCIJ Polish New Year's Reception and Networking Event
January 23, 2015 (Fri) - a PCCIJ New Year's Reception and networking event was held at the Embassy of Poland in Tokyo.
- Polish and Japanese Forum - Critical Infrastructure Security
Oct 8, 2014 - POLISH AND JAPANESE FORUM on CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE SECURITY is to be held at the National Defence University in Warsaw, Poland. This event is organized by the Academy of National Defence of Poland and co-organized by G&R S.A. Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (PCCIJ) has taken Honorary Patronage of the event. More info...
- Polish Weekend at Roppongi Hills 2014

“Feel the Weekend of Polish Golden Autumn in Roppongi Hills!”
September 26 (Fri) - 28 (Sun), 2013 - a big Polish event at Roppongi Hills by Polish Trade and Investment Promotion Section in Tokyo co-organized with the Polish Tourism Organization, Polish Institute, the Embassy of Poland in Tokyo and PCCIJ. This was the 4th event of this kind in Roppongi Hills. The visitors can enjoy many Polish attractions. More info... Time: 11:00 - 19:00 (Saturday till 20:00)
Venue: O-YANE PLAZA, Roppongi Hills
- PCCIJ Business Seminar: "POLAND - Opportunities"
June 12, 2014 (Thu) - a seminar on business opportunities in Poland was held at the Embassy of Poland in Tokyo, Main Hall. The seminar was followed by a Reception Party.
- The 8th Annual General Meeting
March 26, 2014 - the 8th Annual General Meeting of PCCIJ was held on March 26, 2014 at the Embassy of Poland in Tokyo.
- PCCIJ Polish Networking Event & Reception
February 25, 2014 - a PCCIJ networking event was held at the Embassy of Poland in Tokyo.
- Polish Weekend at Roppongi Hills

“Feel the Polish Golden Autumn in Roppongi Hills!”
September 27 (Fri) - 29 (Sun), 2013 - a big Polish event was held at Roppongi Hills by the Embassy of Poland in Tokyo co-organized with the Polish Tourism Organization and PCCIJ. This will be the third event of this kind in Roppongi. The visitors enjoyed many attractions. More info...
- PCCIJ and Polish Embassy participate in Tokyo Business Summit 2013
September 19 (Thu) - 20 (Fri), 2013 - our Chamber along with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland participates in the 27th Tokyo Business Summit (TBS). TBS begun in 1988 and provides the platform for medium and small enterprises from all around Japan to promote themselves.
 Polish booth
This year is special as it will include for the first time foreign participants based on the new strategy of the event. The visitors to our booth will be able to learn more about Poland, some Polish products as well as our special co-participant: Takaoka City More info... |
- Business Luncheon
Sep 18, 2013 (Wednesday) - we held a Business Luncheon about Poland. The speakers were as follows:
- H.E. Ambassador of the Republic of Poland & Honorary Chairman of PCCIJ
Mr. Cyryl Kozaczewski
- Mr. David DeBenedetti, Partner at DeBenedetti Majewski Szczesniak law
 Business Luncheon
firm in Warsaw, Member of PCCIJ
- Mr. Go Shimuta, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
(former Director of JETRO Warsaw Office till June 2013)
Venue: Hotel Okura More info... |
- Visit to Kesennuma with Ms. Akie Abe & The Biggest Painting in the World
September 8-9, 2013 - Ms. Akie Abe, Ms. Hiroko Kawahara, President of NPO Earth Identity Project, Ambassador of Poland, H.E. Cyryl Kozaczewski and Mr. Piotr R. Suszycki, Chairman of PCCIJ payed a visit to Kesennuma City. Along the meetings with the Kesennuma Mayor and other officials, the main purpose was to visit Ashinome Kindergarten of which the Main Hall was rebuilt with the help of donations from Poland and partially
 Ms. Akie Abe and Mr. Cyryl Kozaczewski with children
Japan organized by Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH) and Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan.
During the visit the children of Ashinome Kindergarten painted a part of the Biggest Painting in the World along with Ms. Akie Abe and Ambassador of Poland. More info... |
- Polish Beer Garden 2 in Takaoka, Toyama Pref.
August 13-17, 2013 - Polish Beers Garden was held again for five days in the center of the Takaoka City. And again it proved to be quite popular along the locals. Again Polish beer, fruit flavor beer and Polish food such as Polish sausages, bigos and others was served at the event.
- Polish Beer Garden 1 in Takaoka, Toyama Pref.
July 11-15, 2013 - Polish Beers Garden was held for five days in the center of the Takaoka City. It proved to be quite popular along the Takaoka citizens with some coming from the neighboring towns. Polish beer, fruit flavor beer and Polish food such as Polish sausages, bigos and others was served at the event.
- Official visit in Ise City, Mie Prefecture
July 9-11, 2013 - An official Polish delegation comprising Ambassador of Poland, Mr. Cyryl Kozaczewski, Chairman of PCCIJ, Mr. Piotr R. Suszycki and other officials went to Ise City in order to establish new relations on a regiolnal level between Ise and Poland. The delegation held talks with the Mayor of Ise, the Chairman of the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Jingu Daiguji or Supreme Shinto Priest, Meiwacho Town's Mayor along others.
- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits Poland
June 15-16, 2013 - the official visit of Prime Minister Abe to Poland. On June 15 (Sat) a special event called "Oishii Japan", within the Cool Japan program was held at the Warsaw's Hotel Bristol.
- Chopin Village Festival 2013 in Shikoku
May 19, 2013 (Sun) - the 2nd event to promote the Polish-Japanese relations was held in Kuma-kogencho in Shikoku. Despite a cloudy and sometimes rainy weather it enjoyed a large amount of visitors not only from the neighboring towns but also from other prefectures.
- Polish Festival @ Takaoka (Toyama Pref.)
April 30, 2013 - May 1, 2013 - Polish Festival took place in the center of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture (in fron of the Takaoka Railway Station).
This event is a continuation of Polish Days in Tokyo and is the first of this kind of events organized in the Hokuriku region. On May 1, 2013 the famous Mikuruyama Festival was held in Takaoka. Over one hundred visitors from all around Japan visited Takaoka and the region to enjoy the Mikuruyama Festival. This is part of the wider program to strengthen the economic and cultural relations of the regional level between Japan and Poland. More info...
News & Topics archives
The aim of the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan is to foster economic exchanges between the nations of Japan and Poland, particularly in the area of trade. In order to realize this aim the new chamber of commerce will work to establish ties with the governments of Japan and Poland, key parties in the EU and prominent business leaders.
The Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry is now looking for new members. Regular membership is open to all corporations, economic organizations and individuals, both inside and outside Japan, that support the aims of the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The representatives of corporations and organizations in both Japan and Poland are particularly welcomed.
Polish beer in Japan ポーランドビール
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Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency (PAIiZ)

Official website www.paiz.gov.pl