

Presented by ルドヴィク・ソボレフスキー氏
ワルシャワ証券取引所 代表取締役(www.gpw.pl)

日  時: 2009年4月24日(金)11:45 ~14:15
場  所: シティクラブ・オブ・東京 (Hudson & Loireの間)


11:45 開場
12:00 名刺交換
12:30 お食事
13:15 ご挨拶
ピーター・スシツキータナカ氏 本会議所会頭によるご挨拶
ミロスワフ・ザサダ 政務担当首席参事官・大使代理によるスピーチ
13:20 ソボレフスキー氏によるプレゼンテーション
13:45 Q&A
13:55 まとめ
14:15 終了

Mr. Sobolewski explained such matters as the increasing role of the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the region, about the economic relations between Poland and Japan, and the various business opportunities.

Mr. Sobolewski is a graduate of the Law and Administration Faculty of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow (LLM) and the Pantheon-Assass University (Paris II) – doctoral studies. Doctor of Laws (LLD) and Legal Counsel.

In the course of his career, Mr. Sobolewski worked at the Law and Administration Faculty of the Jagiellonian University (1989-1995), in the Office of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland (1992-1993) and as an Advisor to the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (1994).
From 1994 to 2006 Mr. Sobolewski was the Executive Vice President of the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities.
As of June 28, 2006 – President of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board. Presentation of Mr. Sobolewski was followed by a speech by our special guest, Ms. Henryka Bochniarz.

Ms. Henryka Bochniarz is the President of Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan – PKPP Lewiatan. Established in January 1999 as a nation-wide representation of employers to the state and trade unions, PKPP Lewiatan is a very influential business organization which represents 55 sector and regional associations of private employers and 16 individual members. In total there are about 3,000 companies employing over 600,000 workers.

Ms. Bochniarz is also the President of Boeing Central and Eastern Europe. An economist, she was a Minister of Industry and Trade in the cabinet of the former Prime Minister of Poland, Mr. Jan Krzysztof Bielecki in 1991. She is also a member of BUSINESSEUROPE Council of Presidents.