On May 11, 2007 Business seminar & commemorative ceremony on the occasion of the establishment of the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan was held at the Embassy of the Rebulic of Poland.
The event was divided into two main parts: (1) Business seminar and (2) Reception party with a piano recital in between.
At first H.E. Ambassador of Poland, Marcin Rybicki Ph.D. greeted the participants.
Topics of the Business seminar included:
1. Introduction of the PCCIJ by Mr. Piotr Suszycki-Tanaka
2. "Basic Indicators of Polish Economy and Japanese Investments in Poland" by
Mr. Tom Kuczynski (Ph.D.)
3. "Experiences of Japanese Companies in Poland" by Mr. Kazuo Watanabe
4. "Promotion of Polish-Japanese Economic Co-operation" by Mr. Jaroslaw Wierzbicki
Moderator: Mr. Pawel Komender
The seminar was followed by two short speeches by Ms. Alison Murray, Executive Director of European Business Council in Japan on behalf of Mr. Richard Collasse, Chairman of EBC, and Mr. Tsutomu Nozaki, President of Polonez Japan Co., Ltd.
A total of approx. 150 guests attended. During the second part Polish food and drinks were served.
Program of the Event:
16:30 Door open
17:00 Business seminar
18:15 Piano recital by Ms. Haruna Ohashi
18:30 Break - drinks
18:45 Greetings
19:00 - 20:30 Reception
H.E. Ambassador Marcin Rybicki makes the opening speech
Introduction: Who is who
Departure of Mr. Janusz Walecki
Welcome to Ms. Joanna Dopierala
Mr. Pawel Komender, mediator
Speech by the Chairman, Mr. Piotr Suszycki-Tanaka
Mr. Tomasz Kuczynski about Poland's economy and investment
Various economic indicators
Mr. Kazuo Watanabe about his experience in Poland
Mr. Jaroslaw Wierzbicki about business in Poland
Piano recital by Ms. Haruna Ohashi
The audience listens to Chopin
The Ambassador thanks the pianist
Ms. Alison Murray of EBC, H.E. Ambassador Marcin Rybicki, Piotr Suszycki-Tanaka, PCCIJ Chairman
Madam Rybicka (right) and Ms. Grabarczyk, Consul's wife
Ms. Alison Murray makes a speech on behalf of Mr. Richard Collasse, Chairman of EBC