
DOM POLSKI 「ドム・ポルスキ」@高岡 オープン









2012年9月26日 富山県高岡市にて「ドム・ポルスキ」という施設がオープンしました。

The main purpose of "Dom Polski" (Polish House) is the facilitation of the trade, economic, culture, tourism and science relations between Poland and Japan on the regional level. This first Polish House was opened on September 26, 2012 in Takaoka City, located on the side of the See of Japan. Opening of this facility is the result of 2 years of preparations within the larger project whose purpose is to deepen the co-operation and exchange between the regions of Poland and Japan.
The City of Takaoka with the support of Mayor Takahashi and the local politicians was very supportive of the idea right from the beginning. Takaoka is the center of the copper industry while Toyama Prefecture as a whole is famous for pharmaceutical and aluminium industry and tourism. One of the most famous tourist attractions in Toyama is the Tateyama Mountain chain which is visible from the sea - one of the most beautiful views in the world.
The counterparts for Takaoka in Poland are the regions of Opole City and the Town of Brodnica. The relations in the economic field between Opole and Takaoka have started in 2010, however Takaoka has a much longer history of exchange with Poland in the field of arts which begun back in 2000. This cultural exchange project has been led by Ms. Mikiko Yamaguchi, a painter and local activist who ever since has traveled to Poland almost on an annual basis. For the past few years she managed to bring to Poland a group of Japanese artists in order to have them experience the culture of Poland. Recently Brodnica, a town north of Warsaw has been very active in this field of cultural exchange.


"Dom Polski" was officially opened on September 26, 2012, however is was already pre-opened on December 16, 2011 in order to carefully prepare for the ambitious role of facilitation of the trade, economic, culture, tourism and science relations between Poland and Japan on the local basis.
Dom Polski is operated by Tsukamoto Trading Co., Ltd., a Tsukamoto Group company. Tsukamoto Trading, a Member of PCCIJ, is actively involved in trade exchange between Poland and Japan.
The first official visit of the officials of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland to Takaoka City took place in December 2011. Since then the relations started to develop in a more speedy manner. The result was a business mission to Poland by the representatives of the local politics and business in May 2012.

"DOM POLSKI" ドム・ポルスキ オープニングセレモニー

2012年9月26日 (水) 18:30ー20:30 ホテルニューオータニ高岡のトップレストラン フォーシーズンにて"DOM POLSKI" ドム・ポルスキ オープニングセレモニーが行われました。

18:15 開場・ドアオープン
18:30 イベント開始
   - ご挨拶
   - 感謝状の授与
   - 演奏
   - 乾杯音頭
19:00 立食パーティー・ 懇親会
20:30 イベント終了





The Ambassador of Poland arrives in Toyama
H.E. Ambassador Kozaczewski & Governor Takakazu Ishii
At the Governor's office



Official meeting at the Takaoka City Mayor's office
Mr. Tomasz Miklaszewski, H.E. Ambassador Kozaczewski, Mr. Piotr R. Suszycki, Ms. Ewa Zolna
Polish delegation



At the City Mayor's office
Mr. Masaki Takahashi, Mayor of Takaoka City (left)
A gift from Poland (*1)



A gift from the Mayor (*2)
A commemorative photo at the Takaoka mayor's office
H.E. Ambassador Kozaczewski and Mayor Takahashi



Entering the Takaoka Chamber of Commerce
Meeting with the Chamber's officials
A commemorative photo at the Takaoka Chamber of Industry



Before the Takaoka Dom Polski (Polish House)
H.E. Ambassador Kozaczewski enters Dom Polski
Mr. Piotr R. Suszycki, PCCIJ Chairman enters Dom Polski



Dom Polski - ribbon cutting ceremony by Mr. Tomasz Miklaszewski, H.E. Ambassador Kozaczewski, Mr. Piotr R. Suszycki (PCCIJ Chairman), Mr. Tadashi Tsukamoto



A commemorative photo at the Dom Polski
At the Dom Polski
At the Dom Polski



At the Dom Polski
At the Dom Polski
A commemorative photo before Dom Polski



Dom Polski Reception Party
PCCIJ Chairman Piotr R. Suszycki
H.E. Ambassador Kozaczewski
Mr. Takahashi, Takaoka City Mayor



Dom Polski opening - the reception hall
Ms. Mikiko Yamaguchi receives a Diploma
Ms. Kazuko Tsukamoto receives a Diploma



H.E. Ambassador Kozaczewski and Ms. Kazuko Tsukamoto
Music performance by Toyama Institute of Music
A gift from local artists



渡辺 守人 氏・富山県議会[議員
Mr. Okabe "Pon" Tsuyoshi presents a gift (*3) to the Ambassador, with Chairman Suszycki

(*1) コザチェフスキ大使閣下が高橋市長にオポレ磁器(ポルツェラナ・オポルスカ」の時計を贈呈しました。 この時計は、当会議所の会員である「オポレ・フォークアート&ハンディクラフト・アトリエ」(Opole Folk and Art Handicraft Atelier (OPRLiA) )でこのために制作され寄付されました。
(*2) 高橋市長がコザチェフスキ大使閣下に、高岡市の株式会社能作様より作品を贈呈しました。
(*3) ユニークで若い世代に支持を得られているハンドメイドキャンドルをポーランド大使にプレゼントしました。 キャンドルには"Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Tokio, 2012" (駐日ポーランド共和国大使館・2012年)とデザインされています。

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