On September 20, 2018, the PCCIJ will host a business seminar with guest speakers from Poland.
- Date& Time: September 20, 2018 (Thursday) 13:30-17:00 (doors open at 13:00)
- Venue: OtemachiSun SkyRoom, 27F, RoomD
- Address:27F, Asahi SeimeiOtemachiBldg. 1, 2-6 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Organiser: Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (PCCIJ)
- Support: Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Japan, Japan External Trade Organization, Foreign Trade Office in Tokio of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Language: English & Japanese (simultaneous translation)

- GREETINGS (13:30)
- Mr. Piotr Szostak, First Counsellor – Head of Political and Economic Section, Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tokyo
- Mr. Piotr R. Suszycki, Chairman of Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan (PCCIJ)
- “21st Century industrial and production investments: structuring around M&A opportunities in Poland, 2018 to2020”
byMr. C. David DeBenedetti, Partner (DeBenedetti Majewski Szcześniak) - “Introduction to the EBRD Financing and its Current Activities in Poland”
by Mr. Hitoshi Sanada, Director, Head of the Representative Office in Japan, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) - “Technology and tradition – understanding the Poland of today”
by by Łukasz Kowalski, Manufacturing, Industrial & Defence Practice Leader EMEA, Deputy Managing Director of MSL Group - “Japanese Companies and Polish Opportunities”
by Mr. Masanori Tonegawa, President, Global Media Corporation and Deputy Chairman of Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
- “21st Century industrial and production investments: structuring around M&A opportunities in Poland, 2018 to2020”
- Coffee break
- Networking & Individual Consultations (16:00)
- End of event (17:00)
PolishChamberof Commerce and Industryin Japan
7-2-2F Kobunacho Nihonbashi Chuoku Tokyo 103-0024
TEL: 03-3665-1991 | FAX: 03-6800-5448
www.pccij.or.jp| secretariat@pccij.or.jp