2023年9月7日 サマーエンドの多国籍チャンバーネットワーキングフェスティバル
新たな次元のビジネス ネットワーキングへようこそ!
2023 年 9月 7 日 (木) 18:30より
Looking for a perfect finale to your summer break? Join this special end-of-summer networking event that will combine a laid-back holiday vibe with a bit of back-to-business energy as we connect with old friends and new contacts from around the world.
This will be a multinational chamber affair as we, the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan, join forces with the ACCJ Sales Development and Independent Business Committees and the South African Chamber of Commerce in Japan. This will be networking at its best. You’re sure to meet new people, find new opportunities and perspectives, and have a great time doing it!
The Summer’s End Multinational Chamber Networking Matsuri will be held at Bistro Vino in Roppongi in a pleasant al fresco atmosphere filled with festivities, great food, and free-flowing drinks. As always, new members and guests are especially welcome!
The committee leaders look forward to introducing you to others around the room so that you can quickly get in on the fun.
Space is limited, so sign up early!
日時:2023 年 9月 7 日(金) 18:30 – 20:30
会場:Bistro Vino Roppongi
〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木6-6-9 ピラミデビル1F
アクセス: https://bistrovino.com/roppongi/
主催: 在日米国商工会議所ACCJ Sales Development Committee
共催: 在日米国商工会議所ACCJ Independent Business Committee・在日ポーランド商工会議所・在日南アフリカ商工会議所
会員: ¥6,000
ゲスト(非会員): ¥9,400
申し込み: https://ws.formzu.net/dist/S2511275/
登録およびキャンセル期限: 2023 年 9月 1 日、午後 18 時
NOTE 1: This event is OFF THE RECORD
NOTE 2: To ensure the safety of our members, guests, and staff, we ask that you review the registration guidelines and safety measures and complete the consent form before registering.
NOTE 3: If you cancel after the stated deadline, the full meeting fee will be charged to your account. All guests must be accompanied by a member of the PCCIJ. No substitutions or walk-ins permitted.